Derbyniadau - Admissions
prosbectws cyfan 2022 23 1 1 .pdf
Rydym yn dilyn polisi yr ALl sy’n rhoi blaenoriaeth i blant y dalgylch. Os dymunwch i’ch plentyn ddod i Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Allta gallwch gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â’r ysgol drwy 10 lythyr neu alwad ffôn, neu drwy eich Cylch Meithrin lleol. Rydym bob amser yn croesawu rhieni sydd eisiau dod i’r ysgol i drafod dyfodol addysg eu dysgwyr. Er hyn, Yr ALl sy’n penderfynu pa blant sy’n cael lle yn yr ysgol, a hynny’n unol â pholisi mynediad Caerffili.
We follow the LA’s admission policy which gives priority to learners within the catchment area. If you want your child to start in our school you can either contact the school directly by letter or telephone, or through your local Cylch Meithrin . We welcome parents who wish to visit the school to discuss their child’s educational future. The LA makes the decision on which learners are to be admitted, according to Caerphilly’s admission policy.